Can a Volunteer Reuse Their Existing DBS Certificate?

Ultimately, it's up to the organization or company to decide whether they will accept a previously issued DBS certificate or require a new one on behalf of the applicant. Technically, you can use an existing DBS certificate for a new job, but it's not the best practice and there are a few things to consider. The Upgrade Service is an online subscription service that allows you to keep your standard and enhanced DBS certificates up to date. It also allows employers to check a certificate online, with their consent.

If a subscription expires, you'll need to request a new database verification and then re-subscribe to the Upgrade Service. If they persist, you could delete the DBS certificate from your account, but this would also mean that other organizations couldn't check their status. If you change your name, you'll need to request a new DBS verification to replace existing linked certificates. You cannot add a DBS certificate for a paid position to a free subscription that was created with a DBS certificate for a voluntary position; you would have to create a new subscription for the paid certificate.

When you add your DBS certificate to the Update Service, the DBS will keep it updated through regular searches to see if new information has come to light since it was issued. The decision about whether or not someone needs a DBS check will depend on the type of work they are going to do, not on whether they are salaried or not. These conditions are based on the number of DBS certificates that reveal this type of information, as well as the possible risk of new information coming to light within the indicated time frames and the cost of checking for changes. Leaders who are there every week would need an Enhanced DBS check or a similar check in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

If you don't request another check from DBS, your employer can withdraw your offer of employment, end your employment contract, or switch you to another job that doesn't require a DBS check. Clear Check Ltd is officially approved as the responsible organization for processing DBS checks before the Disclosure and Prohibition Service. However, you can add a DBS certificate for a volunteer position to an Update Service account that was created to obtain a paid certificate. For example, an Enhanced DBS check for working with vulnerable adults could reveal different information than an Enhanced DBS check for working with children.

Doing activities such as volunteering at a major sporting event or working at a charity store does not fall within the definition of regulated activity and will not need a DBS verification. Only volunteers who give up their time on average once a week, or more than four times over the course of a month, need a check from DBS. Not only does the DBS verification level have to be the same, but it must also include the correct template and list of prohibited persons. In conclusion, it's ultimately up to the organization or company whether they will accept an existing DBS certificate or require a new one on behalf of the applicant.

However, there are certain conditions that must be met in order for an existing certificate to be accepted.

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