How Long is a DBS Certificate Valid for Volunteers?

A check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) (formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau or CRB check) does not have an official expiration date. This is because the information provided in the check is only valid at the time it was conducted.

Basic DBS checks

cost 18 pounds sterling for all applicants, including volunteers. Whether it's a basic, standard, or enhanced DBS check, they don't officially expire.

Subscribing to the Update Service allows employers and volunteer organizations to check their DBS certificate online and stay up-to-date with any changes in their status. This service costs 13 pounds sterling per year for applicants (free for volunteers). If an applicant has not subscribed to this service, then it is up to the employer or governing body to decide whether or not they will accept an existing DBS certificate. It is important to note that volunteer status does not influence how long a DBS certificate is valid for.

All certificates are only valid on the date they were issued unless applicants subscribe to the Update Service. This service allows applicants to transfer their certificates from one job to another and make sure that any changes in their status are reflected in their records. Basic DBS checks can be used for any position or purpose; however, some functions may require a higher level of verification when applying for a standard, improved or improved DBS position with prohibited lists. If you process a standard or enhanced DBS check, then you must request an upgrade service within 28 days.

A voluntary check from DBS can be sent to the Update Service, unless the DBS volunteer application was for a position related to COVID-19.

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