How Often Should Volunteers Undergo DBS Checks? A Comprehensive Guide

Organizations need to take responsibility for their volunteers in the same way they do for paid staff members.

DBS checks

are an important aspect of volunteer management, as they help ensure the safety of those participating in volunteering. Even if the person is not participating in regulated activity with a vulnerable group, the charity will need to prove their eligibility for DBS under government law. However, some coordinating bodies offer discounted DBS checks for charities, so it's worth checking with them in case you can save anything.

Everything is processed online to speed up the process and at an unbeatable price. In addition, basic and improved DBS tests are performed in less than 24 hours. It's also worth noting that DBS checks at any level are only accurate until the time the certificate is issued. As an expert in the field of volunteer management, I can confidently say that DBS checks are essential for any organization that works with vulnerable groups or individuals. If the volunteer is going to work with children, vulnerable adults or in positions of trust, it is recommended that they undergo a DBS test.

To do this, you can use unauthorized volunteers, but if this is the case, be careful about what you ask them to do, for example, avoid situations where they take children to the bathroom. One of the only differences between DBS checks for workers and volunteers is that volunteers don't have to pay their DBS checks, nor does the organization they volunteer for. If a person only works as a volunteer once a quarter or for a one-off event at a hospital or similar, a DBS check may not be necessary. If there is any question as to whether a role fits the definition of a volunteer or not, DBS can advise you. Doing activities such as volunteering at a major sporting event or working at a charity store does not fall within the definition of regulated activity and will not need a DBS verification.

The decision of whether or not a person needs a DBS check will depend on the type of work they are going to do, not on whether they are salaried or not. The only exception is when parents or other volunteers are asked to volunteer for a trip or residential activity that involves an overnight stay. In conclusion, it is important for organizations to understand when and why DBS controls should be conducted on volunteers. By performing these checks, organizations can identify any potential risks and make informed decisions about who to appoint as a volunteer. Organizations should also be aware of any discounts available from coordinating bodies when conducting DBS checks.

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